University of California, San Diego
Mandeville Auditorium
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
Click HERE for Directions and Parking instructions.
Saturday/Sunday February 22 & 23, 2020
Click HERE to view detailed schedule.
Event Guidelines:
1. Eligibility:
Amateur ballet students between ages 9-22 are permitted to compete and attend the workshops in their designated level. Dancers who have been employed by professional dance company may not participate.
Age groups/Levels as of January 1, 2020:
Children’s Division: 9-11
Junior Division: 12-15
Senior Division: 16-21
Duet/Trio/Ensemble: Dancers compete as an ensemble and their age is averaged to determine the correct age Division to compete in. This age must be under the oldest age limit (21) as of January 1, 2020.
2. Repertoire Not Permitted:
Choreography that is subject to copyright infringement.
3. Number of solo entries: Students can do multiple solos.
4. Category, Time Limits, and Entry Fee
Solo (1), 2.5 min max time. $139
Contemporary Solo (1), 2.5 min max time. $139. Must also be registered in a Ballet Solo.
Pas de duex (2), 6 Min max time. $139 per dancer
Duet/Trio/Quartet (2,3, or 4), 2:45 Max time. $75 per dancer
Small Ensemble (5-9 Dancers), 2:45 max time. $50 per dancer
Large Ensemble (10+ dancers), 5 min max time. $50 per dancer
5. Music requirement:
An MP3 version of your music must be uploaded at the time of registration. Dancer is required to have a back up version of the music onsite at the competition. A coach or teacher shall cue the sound technician when the dancer is ready.
6. Scheduling:
Log into your US Prix de ballet account to view the schedule at any time.
Competitor entry number and detailed schedule will be sent via email in February.
US Prix de Ballet accepts limited entries. No performances before 8am or after 10pm.
7. Stage:
No stage set permitted
Marley floor
Stage dimensions are: 42 wide and 30 deep
8. Violations:
Should a competition number not meet the US Prix de Ballet variation requirements or time limits, that piece will be disqualified. Dancers will be permitted to complete their performance and teacher/adult will be notified.
9. Scoring System: Total 100 points to include:
10. Awards:
Top 10: Certificate of Merit
1st, 2nd, 3rd Place in category: Trophy
Optional Awards: Gold Medalist and The Directors Award, presented for exceptional performance.
a) Custom tutu provided by TutubyMiki (www.tutubymiki.com)
b) US Prix de Ballet Featured Dancer’s of the Year
c) Direct Entry, Summer Program, Radford University 2020
d) Direct Entry, Japan Grand Prix Finals 2020 (top 3 of each solo category)
e) Scholarships: 2021 US Prix de Ballet
f) Additional applicable scholarships may be presented.
11. Physical Safety & Security are monitored for your safety
Entrance into the event will require advanced registration and a US Prix de Ballet wristband. The event is not open to the general public.
Entrance backstage and into dressing room areas require a parent, teacher, or contestant wristband. Guests will not be permitted in these areas.
Dressing rooms are assigned for set time periods and only. Note: absolutely no photos or videos permitted in dressing rooms.
Warm up areas are designated on the side of the stage.
No dancer shall be in the theater in costume.
US Prix de Ballet staff are clearly identifiable in staff shirts. Should you have questions or concerns, please see one of our staff members.
First aid Protocol: CPR certified staff will be on site at all times. First aid kits are available at the front desk. Should anyone at our event have a medical problem, the responsible parent or guardian will be notified immediately and 911 will be called as needed.
All US Prix de ballet Staff who will interact with students are back ground checked for your peace of mind.
12. Audience code of Conduct:
Standards of Audience Conduct are taken seriously. All competitors and their teachers, families, and guests must adhere to professional standards as set forth below.
During competition, the audience will be silent at ALL times. There are no applause permitted at the end of a performance.
Audience may get up between performances. It is not acceptable to get up in during a performance.
It is not reasonable to expect babies and young children to remain quiet during a ballet competition. Please make alternate plans for them.
Photography and Videotaping are not permitted.
US Prix de Ballet strives to be a positive and uplifting experience for the competitors. Please keep your commentary to compliments and appreciation. Any negative comment about children who are in various stages of their training who are trying their best on stage is considered unacceptable.
13. Additional General Information:
Stage Costume and Makeup should be worn when competing.
No dancer may be in the audience in costume.
Participation is non refundable.
Photography and Videotaping are not permitted. Professional versions may be purchased.
No rosin permitted.
US Prix de Ballet reserves the right to refuse or restrict participation at will.
To register, click HERE to go to Dancer Login.

Photo by Brad Matthews