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Student Timeline for Ballet Competition Preparation

Are you thinking about competing at the US Prix de Ballet 2020? Here are some logistical and artistic notes to help make your experience graceful!

Before you Start

  1. Make sure that you know your studio’s policy and protocol about approaching your teacher for participation.

  2. If you are used to competing in commercial dance competitions, you must know the difference between a commercial dance competition and a ballet competition. Not everyone receives a trophy. In fact, only the top few dancers out of hundreds receive an award. The mindset is: Participate for the experience.

  3. Determine if your teacher/coach is travelling with you to the competition. If so, discuss who is responsible for the travel expenses.

6 Months from the Event

  1. Complete the competition and workshop registration.

  2. Ensure that you take all of your regular dance classes.

  3. After several private coaching sessions, your teacher may tell you if the originally selected variation would be the best for you or not. Listen to your teacher. If your teacher should suggest changing your variation, now is the time.

  4. After you and your teacher have finalized the variation selection, study about the ballet. Study its story, all participating characters, and history of the ballet in depth. Knowing the story and history of the ballet could positively affect your performance artistically.

5, 4 and 3 Months from the Event

  1. Select your costume – Although your costume does not have to be dazzled with thousands of crystals, you want a professional tutu versus a studio recital costume

  2. Body conditioning is important at this point. Ensure you are taking your regular ballet classes.

  3. Finalize your hair and makeup. Reference these tutorials for professional ballet buns (click HERE) and ballet stage makeup (click HERE).

  4. Finalize the tempo of your variation. Edits should be done professionally. Upload your music to the US Prix de Ballet Customer portal.

  5. Book your travel and make your hotel arrangements.

2 Months from the Event

  1. Eat right and stay well-hydrated every day. Seek assistance from a nutritionist if you are uncertain.

  2. Continue taking your regular dance classes.

  3. During private coaching, address all of the questions and concerns with your teacher.

Month of the Event

  1. Confirm you have your stage makeup, hair items, and several pair of tights.

  2. Make sure you have 2 to 3 (or more) clean, working pointe shoes, elastics and ribbons securely attached; and ballet slippers that are already broken in for master classes and competition.

  3. Ensure you have no hanging threads from the tutu or bodice of your costume.

Day of the Event

Parents and family are encouraged to attend the competition in support of their dancers. It is your responsibility to know and communicate to your family the standards of audience conduct.

It takes courage and strength to sign up for a ballet competition. Congratulations on taking this step towards self-improvement! Good luck and have fun!

The US Prix de Ballet Competition and Convention will take place February 22-23, 2020 at the University of California, San Diego. For more information, please visit Open Registration begins September 18, 2019. Click HERE to register.

​© 2019 US Prix de Ballet

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